Friday, 8 June 2018

Day 4 from Mason and Oli

The day began with a trip to Ankondwa school. We were introduced to the headteacher Lloyd Mumbar, who oversees 900 children with only 14 teachers. From there we visited three different classes grades 1,4 and 7. Each class greeted us with songs and shared their aspirations for the future. The answers included doctors, nurses and soldiers the most frequent of which however was a bank manager...

From then we were taken to the headmasters office where on the wall we found the school rules which included some more interesting than others.

After an emotional goodbye with the school children we made our way to the village to continue our build. By lunch we had almost finished the internal and external walls and took our break. Swiftly finishing our food we went to spend the remainder playing with the local children. A football match soon ensued and what started out as a civilised game between us swiftly turned to a free for all as word got out and more and more children joined in. The joy on their faces over the simplest game was extraordinary to see.

With lunch break over the remainder of the walls were completed (in record time) and we were told we would have a spare fifteen minutes to resume playing with the children. However over an hour passed of singing, dancing and silly games. With no one looking like they were going anywhere our Habitat leader Andrew dragged us away to bring to an end another day of work/fun.  


As each day passes and we grow more and more attached the community it seems difficult to imagine how it will feel leaving it all behind.



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