Two houses nearly finished. All exhausted but absolutely
elated by what we have achieved. And so was the village - a noisy and
tumultuous departure this evening and back to base for dancing and singing on
the beach this evening. The children sang happy birthday to Mela which was
wonderful for her and for us.
Can't say enough how well everyone has got on. No
friction at all and a single shared purpose to do something for those with less
than we have. And they have next to nothing. This morning we visited a couple
of houses completed by previous teams. The occupants are really grateful but
when showing us round it's clear they only have a few clothes, a bag of maize
for grinding into flour and making nmasi and a mat to sleep on. That really is
all they possess. But at least they have a safe, secure and dry house.
On house 1 the roof frame is on and roof sheets go on
tomorrow morning. The team (except John) laid the floor. John disappeared to
baby sit and look after Innocent for a couple of hours! On house 2 a
magnificent change was made during the day and the roof frame was going on as
we left. Everyone has worked really, really hard and the home team are amazed
at our commitment and how much we have achieved.
A ladder appeared today! Up to now the total tools on
site were a chisel, a level and a tape. The roofer added to this with a hammer
and saw and, of course, a ladder. We have done a risk assessment and we think
it's safe, but we will send a photo and would appreciate Tristram's view.
Last full day tomorrow. Nobody wants to come home.
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