Highlight of the day was a visit to the local primary
school. There is not much development where we are, it is several kilometres up a
dust track but there are many scattered clusters of homes and this means that
the primary school has 925 pupils aged from 6 to 16. Only 8 classes, so each
class has over 100 pupils although some are lucky enough to have 2 teachers. No
electricity, no computers, very few books, exercise books or pencils.
When 15 year old children were asked what they really wanted they said
"books". That wouldn't happen the UK!!
We bought a football last night and at 3.30 today threw
it out of the bus. The kids went absolutely mad with joy. They don't have
footballs and were just ecstatic. We will take it back with us to avoid
jealousy with adjoining families but bring it back tomorrow.
We will send a photo of the village shopping centre which
stocks very little - but did have a needle and thread to deal with John's
ripped trousers and Stacey's missing button!
The children are even more confident today and are helping us
learn their language. They think that looking at photographs of themselves is
absolutely the funniest thing ever.
We all worked really hard today and really proud of what
we have achieved. As I write, the the kids (about 30 of them) are singing for us
to say thank you. We have loads of photos and videos but struggling to squeeze
them through some pretty restrictive WiFi.
Stacey's cold is getting better. Brad's hair still looks
immaculate!! Rachel is now a professional scaffolder. We all want to stay and
not come home!
Off to shower. More tomorrow.
Tried to comment twice via the ipad last night but it doesn't seem to work!! Anyway, just wanted to say how much we're enjoying the blog - sounds like a great day yesterday. Very proud of Team Touchstone - keep up the good work! All best, Tim