Thursday 9 June 2016

Team photo with Amos, national director of Habitat for Humanity Malawi at the beginning of day 4

Ended day 4 with house one ready for the roof tomorrow and house two close behind. A busy day for both teams having to move scaffolding around on a regular basis and working in confined spaces, but another enjoyable day with fantastic results.

The usual mad football match with the kids after school. We think Dane's team won but it's not easy to be sure!
Called at the market on the way home to buy souvenirs. Plenty of hard bargaining!

No electricity in the hotel tonight so no air-con and probably no hot food. Certainly no WiFi so difficult to get messages out and charge phones but everyone safe and well.

Last day of work tomorrow and then a dedication and lunch with the community on Saturday.  Everyone still wants to stay for ever!

Mela's birthday tomorrow so are trying to get a surprise together.

Fingers crossed for electricity!!

1 comment:

  1. Still enjoying the blog. Hope you get the houses finished on time! Looks as though some strong leg muscles are needed for the pit latrine......Enjoy your last day and safe home. Looking forward to hearing all about it! Tim
